Evolution Programmer (Gas) By Edge Products

The Evolution programmer has the ability to remove/adjust your vehicles factory speed limiter. Improper use of this feature could result in a serious or fatal accident. Removal/adjustment of the factory speed limiter is intended for use in a closed circuit, legally sanctioned racing environment. Even if racing in a legally sanctioned racing environment, it is your responsibility to ensure your tires and other vehicle components are rated to travel at increased speeds with the speed limiter removed/adjusted. If you remove/adjust the speed limiter during highway driving, it is your responsibility to obey all driving laws, including adhering to posted speed limits.
Removing/adjusting the speed limiter for purposes inconsistent with the product's intended function, as stated herein, is a violation of the product's intended use and invalidates the product's warranty. Edge Products is not responsible for or liable for the consequences of improper product use.
Key Feauters:
- Up to 40 HP and 38 ft. lbs. of torque;
- Installs in minutes with no tools needed;
- Includes a custom pod that makes the unit look factory installed;
- Choose from four different power levels and display a host of vehicle parameters;
- Internet updatable;
- Adjustable color screen ;
California Air Resources Board Executive Order D-541-4PIDS
This product meets the emissions compliance requirements of the California Air Resources Board and Federal Environmental Protection Agency and is legal for sale and use on pollution-controlled vehicles operated on public streets and highways. It must be installed and operated according to the instructions provided.
- ECT (Engine Coolant Temp);
- TFT (Trans Fluid Temp);
- MPH;
- RPM;
- EOT (Engine Oil Temp);
- IAT (Air Intake Temp;
- SPARK (Spark Advance);
- MAF (Mass Air Flow);
- BARO (Barometric Pressure);
- MAP (Manifold Absolute Pressure);
- AAT (Ambient Air Temp);
- BATT (Battery Voltage);
- DIDL (Desired Idle);
- APP (Applied Pedal Position);
- EOP (Engine Oil Pressure);
- AFC (Air Flow Calculated);
- FUEL (Fuel Tank Remaining);
- LOOP (Loop Status);
- POWER (Power Enrichment);
- GEAR (Current Gear);
- AFP (Alcohol Fuel Percentage);
- DCYL (Deactivated Cylinders);
- DCD (Distance Cylinders Deactivated);
- DCA (Distance Cylinders Activated);